Schools of science
Currently, five scientific schools run successfully at the M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. There are:
- The School of M. Aitkhozhin, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Lenin Prize laureate – founder of molecular biology in Kazakhstan (he was a student of Alexander Sergeevich Spirin, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lenin Prize laureate, Director of the Institute of protein of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The main direction of scientific activity of the school is related with “Protein biosynthesis and the molecular basis of its regulation”. At present, this direction is being actively developed and supported by the Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acids (Head of the Laboratory Bulat Iskakov, Doctor of Biological Sciences). Professor Iskakov is a successor of M. Aitkhozhin’s scientific school in the field of studying molecular mechanisms and regulation of protein biosynthesis in plants and prepared students: S. Zhanybekova Ph.D., R. Akbergenov Ph.D., S. Shaikhin Ph.D., A. Zhigailov Ph.D. In addition, Bulat Iskakov is the founder of the Kazakhstan Scientific School in the field of genetic engineering of plants to improve their resistance to phytopathogenic viruses and abiotic environmental factors. The following scientists have been prepared in this area: O. Karpova Ph.D., A. Nizkorodova Ph.D., R. Kryldakov Ph.D.
- The School of N. Aitkhozhina, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – founder of molecular genetics and molecular medicine in Kazakhstan (she was a student of Georgiev Georgy Pavlovich, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lenin Prize laureate, Director of the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The main directon of scientific activity of the school is related with “Human genome, Ethno- and paleogenomics”, “Molecular medicine”, “Plant genome”, regulation of gene activity, gene diagnostics, molecular basis of hereditary and gene-mediated diseases. A team of employees that continues to develop these areas at the present time is working at IMBB and other research centers, research institutes of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- The School of biochemist – Lukpan Klyshev, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR. The main direction of scientific activity of the school is related with “Metabolism of secondary compounds in plants, enzymology of their metabolism and regulation”.
- The School of Anatoliy Beklemishev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR – the main direction of scientific activity of the school is related with “Experimental and clinical allergology and immunology”. The molecular immunology and immunobiotechnology direction was organized at IMBB under the guidance of professor Nikolay Belyaev, who was a student of Anatoliy Currently, the traditions of the school are supported and developed by the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Immunobiotechnology (Acting Head of the Laboratory, Raikhan Tleuliyeva Ph.D.).
- The School of professor Yuriy Peruanskiy – one of the founders of biochemistry, physiology and biotechnology of agricultural plants. The main direction of scientific activity of the school in the field of “Biochemical foundations for increasing the productivity of grain crops” continues by the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Grain Crops (Head of the Laboratory, Aidar Khakimzhanov D.).
Personnel training
Aitkhozhin Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology is one of the leading organizations for fundamental and applied research in priority areas of modern biology and the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of molecular biology, molecular genetics, molecular medicine, genetic and cell engineering, molecular immunology, and biochemistry.
The Institute had a dissertation council D 53.47.07 for the defense of Ph.D. and Master’s theses in the specialties 03.00.03 – “Molecular biology” (the only one in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region) and 03.00.04 – “Biochemistry”. The dissertation council included scientists from leading research centers in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Currently, the Institute provides training of highly qualified personnel in Ph.D.-doctoral studies of leading universities of Kazakhstan with a specialties in “biology”, “biotechnology” on a targeted state order and on a general basis.
Active training of bachelors and masters’s students who is working on their diploma and dissertation at the Intsitute’s laboratories and taking part in the implementation of grant and program-targeted financing projects is carried out.
Institute’s personnel improve their professional level by internships and trainings at leading research institutes of near and far abroad countries, carry out research work within the framework of individual grants, and study under the “Bolashak” program. Currently, five employees are studying in the USA under this program.