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General information

Republican governmental enterprise “M. Aitkhozhin Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry” (IMBB) is one of the leading research and advisory center on molecular biology, molecular genetics, molecular medicine and bioengineering in Kazakhstan.

The main objectives of M. Aitkhozhin Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry

The main subject of activity of the Institute, in accordance with the Charter, is the implementation of activities in the field of scientific research. The purpose of “M.  Aitkhozhin Institute of  molecular biology and biochemistry” is conducting scientific research in the field of general and molecular genetics and cell biology of humans, animals, plants and microorganisms, the development of new areas of modern genetics and cell biology, the introduction of new effective developments for medicine, ecology and agriculture, the study and generalization of the achievements of world science, having socio-economic importance for genetic monitoring, development of diagnostics and test systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The structure of M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (IMBB)

The Institute is headed by a Director General. The structure of the Institute has an administrative department and 7 laboratories:

1.         Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids research

2.         Laboratory of structural and functional genomics

3.         Laboratory of genome

4.         Laboratory of biotechnology and molecular genetics

5.         Laboratory of molecular immunology and immunobiotechnology

6.        Laboratory of Plant Bioengineering

7.        Laboratory of grain crops biochemistry

Laboratories are fitted with modern equipment for molecular biological, genetic, immunological and biochemical studies. Furthermore, a local bioethical commission has been established at the Institute. The meetings of the Academic council, the Directorate and the Young scientists council are held regularly as well.

Scientific potential of the Institute

The scientific potential of the Institute consists of highly qualified specialists in the field of molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, immunobiotechnology, oncoimmunology, ethno-and personalized genomics. The research personnel of the Institute has a high theoretical and methodological knowledge. Personnel training in leading foreign scientific centers in such countries as Switzerland, UK, Israel, Germany, France, Hungary, USA, Czech Republic and Canada is carrying out constantly for providing latest world standards in scientific research work. 

Mission of the Institute

Initiation, development and formation innovative research in synthetic biology, genomics and personalized medicine in Kazakhstan, creation competitive, high-tech scientific products on their basis. The products’ commercialization and training of highly qualified personnel for the successful implementation of this mission.

 Vision of the Institute

  1. The leading Institute in innovative areas of molecular and cellular biology, genetics, genetic engineering, biochemistry, immunobiotechnology and personalized medicine in Kazakhstan.
  2. Competitive, self-sustained, dynamically developing Institute which scientific production is based on high (omics) technologies and competences of human resources.

The Institute’s strategy 

The strategic goal of the Institute is the development and formation of a competitive, self-supporting, dynamically developing Institute through the implementation (commercialization) of scientific products, knowledge and skills based on high (omics) technologies and competencies, as well as ensuring long-term and stable work of the team. To achieve this goal, our priorities are:

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