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Council of Young Scientists

The Council of young scientists of the Republican Governmental Enterprise “M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry” (hereinafter – the Council) is a permanent collegial advisory body that promotes the professional growth of young scientists and specialists and protects their rights and interests in the field of professional activity.

In its activities, the Council is guided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2011 “On science”, sectoral programs, other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, as well as the Charter of the Institute and this regulation. The Council is not a legal entity.

Objectives of the Council of young scientists

  1. Association of young scientists for joint activities aimed at the development of scientific activities of the Institute.
  2. Exchange of experience and knowledge between young researchers and specialists of the Institute.
  3. Development of youth scientific initiatives and consolidation of young scientific and professional staff at the Institute.
  4. Improving the efficiency of solving the problems of young scientists.
  5. Promotion of scientific knowledge and the latest achievements of science.

Tasks of the Council of young scientists

  1. Promotion of professional growth of scientific youth, development of youth scientific initiatives and consolidation of young scientists at the Institute.
  2. Assistance in providing organizational and financial support to young scientists, their participation in research projects and programs, research internships, competitions, scientific conferences and seminars held in Kazakhstan and abroad.
  3. Organization and promotion of scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and competitions for the best scientific and technical products, assistance to young scientists in the publication of articles and reports.
  4. Organization of information support of scientific youth, provision of information on vacancies, funds, grants, conferences, schools and other activities to support scientific youth.
  5. Assistance in attracting young scientists to active work on domestic and foreign grants.
  6. Nomination of works of young scientists for prizes of the Ministry of science and higher education and other ministries, recommendation of talented young specialists for master’s or doctoral studies.
  7. Presentation of initiatives on various issues of scientific and public life of the Council, development and submission of proposals to the leadership of the Institute to optimize the activities of scientific youth.
  8. Promoting initiatives of young scientists aimed at solving their social problems.
  9. Making proposals to improve the system of stimulation of scientific activity of young scientists of the Institute.
  10. Assistance to the management of the Institute in organizing and conducting scientific, practical, festive and other cultural events.


Composition of the Council of young scientists

Full name



Belkozhaev Ayaz Maratuly



Abaildaev Arman Orazalyuly



Alexandrova Alena Mikhailovna



Ashirbekov Eldar Erlanovich



Beisenov Daniyar Kambarovich



Eriskina Elena Anatolievna



Zhigailov Andrey Viktorovich



Kali Aykyn



Maltseva Elina Romanovna



Nizkorodova Anna Sergeevna



Omarbaeva Nazgul Aidarbekovna



Ostapchuk Ekaterina Olegovna



Perfileva Yulia Viktorovna



Skiba Yuri Alexandrovich



Tezekbayeva Botakoz Kulbayevna


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