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- GelDoc documentation tool (Bio-Rad)
- Synthesizer of oligonucleotides ASM-800 (BIOSSET)
- Allegra high speed centrifuge (Beckman Coulter)
- Laboratory desktop centrifuge with cooling Sigma 3-18KS (Sigma Laborzentrifugen)
- Benchtop centrifuge with cooling 5415R (Eppendorf)
- Nucleic acid analyzer ANK-32 (Synthol)
- Vibratory mill MM 400 (Retsch)
- Amplifiers
- Laminar cabinets II biosafety class AC2-6E1
- Autoclave
- Devices for electrophoretic separation of nucleic acids and proteins
- Analytical balance
- pH meter
- Thermostats
- Drying cabinets