M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
The blog of the General Director is intended to be an effective tool for constructive solutions of existing problems in all areas of the Institute and modern challenges in the field of technological development, mastering of new competencies and innovations.
Dear colleagues and guests of our website, dear friends!
Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry is a research Institute with a rich tradition, many years of experience in scientific and innovative work.
The founder and first Director of the Institute was a talented scientist, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Murat Аbenovich Aitkhozhin. The discovery of a new class of intracellular particles – informasomes – Murat Aitkhozhin was awarded the Lenin prize in 1976. From 1988 to 2019, the Institute was led by Nagima Abenovna Aitkhozhina — an outstanding scientist, academician of National Academy of Science of RK. Since 1991 a significant contribution to the development of the Institute have been made by Murat Gilmanov, Rauza Kunaeva, Bulat Iskakov, Nikolay Belyaev, Timur Balmuhanov. During this period, the Institute was formed as a leading research center in Kazakhstan in molecular biology and genetics, molecular medicine and immunology, biochemistry and biotechnology.
It is obvious, that the progress of the last decades in system biology and biomedicine exceeds the achieved results for all its previous history. The fact of advanced development of science and technology in developed countries, especially the progress of molecular biology, bioengineering and genomics dictates to Kazakhstan scientists the necessity to improve scientific competence, new knowledge and technologies development. The one of the priorities of the scientific and technical state policy of Kazakhstan is to develop the genomics, proteomics, metobolomics and other omics technologies, as well as the implementation of their results in practice and services.
Despite the achievements, M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry faces modern challenges of scientific and technological, innovative development and commercialization of scientific products in our days. Recognizing the criticality of these challenges, our priority steps in response are:
- – modernization of the scientific thinking;
- – generation of new ideas, knowledge and their authorization;
- – production of competitive scientific products, its commercialization;
- – implementation of research in the field of synthetic biology and biotechnology;
- – development of projects and development of new competencies in the field of personalized medicine;
- – development of dual education.
At the same time, the most important task of the Institute is to improve the competence of employees, attract highly qualified specialists, create a generation of young scientists and strengthen the scientific potential of the country to enter the top thirty developed countries.
Sincerely, General Director of M. Aitkhozhin Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry, Doctor of biological sciences, Professor Kamalidin Sharipov.