
Main publications for the period of 2016-2022
- Zhigailov A.V., Stanbekova G.E., Nizkorodova A.S., Galiakparov N.N., Gritsenko D.A., Polimbetova N.S., Halford N.G., Iskakov BK. Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of plant eukaryotic initiation factor 2 prevents its association with polysomes but does not considerably suppress protein synthesis // Plant Science. 2022. – Vol. 317. – P. 111190. IF – 4.729 SiteScore – 3,8; Sjr – 1,51, 92% Scopus; Q1 WoS.
- Karpova O., Alexandrova A., Nargilova R., Ramazanova M., Kryldakov , Iskakov B. AtDREB2A gene expression under control of the inducible promoter and virus 5’-untranslated regions improves tolerance to salinity in Nicotiana tabacum // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering. – 2021. – Vol.15. – P. 260-274.
- Stanbekova G., Beisenov D., Nizkorodova A., Iskakov B., Warzecha H. Production of the sheep pox virus structural protein SPPV117 in tobacco chloroplasts // Biotechnology letters. – 2021. – Vol.43, No.7. – P. 1475–1485. IF – 1.977; SiteScore – 3,8; Sjr – 0,548, 56% Scopus; Q3 WoS.
- Karpova O., Alexandrova A., Yeriskina E., Kryldakov R., Gritsenko D., Galiakparov N., Iskakov B. Andean and Ordinary strains of Potato virus S infecting potatoes in southern Kazakhstan // Plant Disease. – 2020. – V. 104, №2. – P. 599. IF 3,58; percentile 62
- Zhigailov A.V. Alexandrova A.M., Nizkorodova A.S., Stanbekova G.E., Kryldakov R.V., Karpova O.V., Polimbetova N.S., Halford N.G., Iskakov B.K. Evidence that phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF2 does not essentially inhibit mRNA translation in wheat germ cell-free system. Frontiers in Plant Science. – 2020. – Vol. 11. – Article no.: 936. IF 4.106; percentile (Scopus) – 95%; SiteScore – 4.47; quartile (WoS) – Q1; Sjr – 1.687.
- Nizkorodova A., Suvorova M., Zhigailov A., Iskakov B. The effect of translation promoting site (TPS) on protein expression in coli cells. Molecular Biotechnology. – 2020. – Vol.62, No.6-7. –P. 1-9. (F 1.712; percentile (Scopus) – 51%; SiteScore – 1.72; quartile (WoS) – Q3; Sjr – 0.56.
- Zhigailov A.V., Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Nizkorodova A.S., Polimbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Constructing the constitutively active ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtRPS6K2) and testing its activity in vitro // Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii. – 2020. – Vol.24. – No.3. – P. 233-238. Percentile (Scopus) – 31%; SiteScore – 0.45; Sjr 0.147; quartile (Scimago) – Q4; IF RSCI – 0,858.
- Beisenov D.K., Stanbekova G.E., Iskakov B.K. Тransplastomic tobacco plants producing the hydrophilic domain of the sheep pox virus coat protein L1R // Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii. – 2020. – Vol.24. – 8. – P. DOI: 0.18699/VJ20.689. Procentile (Scopus) – 31%; IF RSCI – 0,858.
- Apushev A.K., Ekaterinskaya E.M., Aleksandrova A.M. Variety of potato viruses of the Carlavirus genus in the Kostanay region // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation – Intelligence, idea, innovation” of Kostanay State University. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 60-67. The impact factor of KazBC is 0.013.
- Karpova O.V., Alexandrova A.M., Nargilova R.M., Kryldakov R.V., Yekaterinskaya E.M., Romadanova N.V., Kushnarenko S.V., Iskakov B.K. Diagnosis of potato viruses in Kazakhstan: molecular characterization of isolates // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2019. – Vol. 1. – P. 58-67. IF RSCI – 0,090.
- Beisenov D.K., Argimbaeva T.U., Stanbekova G.E., Iskakov B.K. Synthesis of the immunogenic domain of the L1R protein of the sheep pox virus in rapeseed // Veterinary Medicine, Animal Health and Biotechnology. – 2019. -№8. – P. 45-54. IF RSCI – 0.302.
- Alexandrova A.M., Karpova O.V., Nargilova R.M., Kryldakov R.V., Iskakov B.K. Development of a new method for eradication of potato viruses by induction of posttranscriptional gene silencing in transgenic plants // Current Challenges in Plant Genetic, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biothecnology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference PlantGen2019 / Eds. A. Kochetov, E. Salina / Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russion Academy of Sciences. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2019. – Р. 143-145.
- Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Kalieva A.A., Iskakov B.K. Expression of the uidA gene in transplastomous tobacco plants under the control of the 5′-untranslated sequence of genomic RNA of potato Y-virus. al-Farabi, biological series. -2019. -Number 3. – P. 126-135. IF KazBC – 0.043.
- Nizkorodova A.S., Iskakov B.K. New insight into the mechanism of ε-element enhancer action in coli cells // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biothechnology. – 2019. – Vol. 2. -P. 51-62.
- Zhigailov A.V., Stnbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Kislitsin V.U., Alexanrova A.M., Krasnoshtanov V.K. Iskakov B.K. Cloning of cDNA-Genes of Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation Factor 2 α-, β-, and γ-Subunits, their expression in Escherichia coli and Isolation of Recombinant Proteins AteIF2α, AteIF2β, AteIF2γ // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2018. – Vol.2. – P. 58-64. DOI: 10.11134/btp.2.2018.8. IF RSCI – 0,117.
- Alexandrova A., Karpova O.V., Nargilova R.M., Kryldakov R.V., Nizkorodova A.S., Zhigaylov A.V., Yekaterinskaya E.M., Kushnarenko S.V., Akbergenov R.Zh. Iskakov B.K. Distribution of potato (Solanum tuberosum) viruses in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry (ISSN 2409-370X). – 2018. – Vol. 11. – No. 1. – P. 33-40.
- Zhigailov A.V., Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Kislitsin V.U., Alexandrova A.M., Krasnoshtanov V.K., Iskakov B.K. Cloning of cDNA-genes of Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation factor 2 α-, β-, and γ-subunits, their expression in Eschrichia coli and isolation of recombinant proteins AteIF2α, AteIF2β, AteIF2γ // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2018. – No.2. – P. 1-11. DOI: 10.11134/btp.2.2018.8. IF RSCI – 0,117.
- Nizkorodova A.S., Musabaev R.U., Karimov N.Zh., Iskakov B.K. Enhancers of prokaryotic translation under conditions of temperature stress. // Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Mechanisms of plants resistance and microorganisms to adverse environmental conditions” – July 10-15, 2018, Irkutsk – P.1316-1320.
- Nizkorodova A.S., Zhigailov A.V., Maltseva E.R., Skiba Yu.A. Creation of genetically engineered structures for obtaining potatoes resistant to phytophthora. // Collection of materials of the International scientific conference “Formation and development of science for the protection and quarantine of plants in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. 2018. Almaty. – P. 451-458.
- Beisenov D., Alexandrova A., Zhigailov A., Stanbekova G., Karpova O., Nargilova R., Nizkorodova A., Polimbetova N., Iskakov B.Constructing the constitutively active kinase of ribosomal protein S6 from Arabidopsis Thaliana(AtRPS6K2) // Journal of Biotechnology,2018. Vol.280S, P. S85. (IF 2.533 of the Journal).
- Zhigailov A.V., KislitsinV.Y., Beisenov D.K., Polimbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Study of 18S rRNA 5’-terminus discrete fragmentation in plants under different stress conditions // Journal of Biotechnology, 2017, Vol. 256S, P. S103. (IF 2.533 of the Journal). DOI:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1152.
- Karpova O., Aleksandrova A., Nargilova R., Iskakov B.Expression of potato virus S gRNA fragments in transgenic potato plants triggers RNA-interference against related and unrelated viruses // Journal of Biotechnology,2017. V.256S, P. S105. (IF 2.533 of the Journal).
- Yekaterinskaya E.M., Apushev A.K., Karpova O.V. The number and species composition of insect carriers of viral infection in the plantings of healthy potatoes // Proceedings of the international youth scientific and practical conference “Problems of the theory and practice of modern science.” – 2016. – Minsk: “World of Science”. – P. 27-32.
- Kislitsin V.Y., Zhigailov A.V., Polymbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Cloning, Mutagenesis 2 From Arabidopsis thaliana and Isolation of Recombinant Proteins AteIF2α(S56), AteIF2α(S56D) and AteIF2α(S56А) // News of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2016. – Vol. 6. – No. 318. – P. 37 – 47.
- Karpova O.V., Aleksandrova A.M., Nargilova R.M., Iskakov B.K. Expression of the transcription factor gene AtDREB1A under the control of various 5′-untranslated sequences in vivo // Biotechnology (Moscow). – 2017. – T. 33, No. 5. – P. 9-22. The impact factor of the RSCI is 0.349.
- Chervyakova O.V., Zaitsev V.L., Iskakov B.K., Tailakova E.T., Strochkov V.M., Sultankulova K.T., Sandybayev N.T., Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Abduraimov Y.O., Mambetaliyev M.А., Sansyzbay A.R., Kovalskaya N.Y., Nemchinov L.G. and Hammond R.W. Recombinant Sheep Pox Virus Proteins Elicit Neutralizing Antibodies // Viruses. – 2016. – Vol.8. – P. 1-13. DOI: 10.3390/v8060159. Percentile (Scopus) – 76%; quartile (WoS) – Q2; IF -3.8.
- Beisenov D., Stanbekova G., Nadirova L., Zhigailov A., Iskakov B. Expression of a Sheep Pox Virus Gene in Plant Systems under the Control of Plant Viral Regulatory Elements and with Sub-Cellular Targeting // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2016. -Vol. 13. – No. 1. – P. 01-08. (Published online) – Scopus DOI:
- Karpova О., Alexandrova А., Nargilova R., Iskakov B. Expression of transcription factor AtDREB2A gene under different regulatory elements in transgenic plants // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2016. – V. 231, Supplement. – S85. IF 2,667.
- Stanbekova G., Beisenov D., Nadirova L., Polimbetova N., Iskakov B. Cloning and in vitro expression of the human alfa-fetoprotein // Biosci. Biotech. Res. Asia. – 2016. -Vol. 13(4). – P.2031-2036. DOI: 10.13005/bbra/2361. Percentile (Scopus) – 5%.
- Zhigailov A.V., Kislitsin V.Y., Iskakov B.K. Cloning and Expression of the Human Protein Kinase R Geene, HsPKR, in Bacterial Cells and Purification of Recombinant HsPKR protein // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2016. – Vol.1. (Published online). DOI: 10.11134/btp.1.2016.2. IF RSCI – 0,07 (2016).
- Nadirova L.T., Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K.,Iskakov B.I. Molecular diagnostics for the potato spindle tuber viroid in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Biotechnology Theory and Practice. – 2016. DOI: 10.11134/btp.3.2016.5. IF RSCI – 0,117.
- Yekaterinskaya E.M., Taikov V.V., Karpova O.V. Features of the summer of winged aphids on plantings of healthy potatoes grown at the Kostanay Research Institute of Agriculture // Potato Protection. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 3-5. IF RSCI – 0.257
- Yekaterinskaya E.M., Apushev A.K., Karpova O.V. The number and species composition of insect carriers of viral infection in the plantings of healthy potatoes // Proceedings of the international youth scientific and practical conference “Problems of the theory and practice of modern science.” – 2016. – Minsk: “World of Science”. – P. 27-32.
- Kislitsin V.Y., Zhigailov A.V., Polymbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Cloning, Mutagenesis 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana and Isolation of Recombinant Proteins AteIF2α(S56), AteIF2α(S56D) and AteIF2α(S56А) // News of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2016. – Vol. 6. – No. 318. – P. 37 – 47.