Main publications for the period of 2014-2022
- Ashirbekov Y, Sabitov Z, Aidarov B, Abaildayev A, Junissova Z, Cherusheva A, Saidamarova VV, Sharipov K, Ramankulov Y, Zhabagin M. Genetic Polymorphism of 27 Y-STR Loci in the Western Kazakh Tribes from Kazakhstan and Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. Genes. 2022; 13(10):1826. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13101826
- Magazova A, Ashirbekov Y, Abaildayev A, Satken K, Balmukhanova A, Akanov Z, Jainakbayev N, Balmukhanova A, Sharipov K. ITGA2 Gene Polymorphism Is Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Kazakhstan Population // Medicina. 2022; 58(10):1416. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina58101416
- Ashirbekov Y, Abaildayev A, Neupokoyeva A, Sabitov Zh, Zhabagin M. Genetic polymorphism of 27 Y-STR loci in Kazakh populations from Northern Kazakhstan // Annals of Human Biology, 2022 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2022.2039292.
- Belkozhayev A, Niyazova R, Wilson C, Jainakbayev N, Pyrkova A, Ashirbekov Y, Akimniyazova A, Sharipov K, Ivashchenko A. Bioinformatics Analysis of the Interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with Human mRNA Genes Having di- and Trinucleotide Repeats. Genes. 2022; 13(5):800. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13050800. (WoS IF 4.096, JCR Q2).
- Alzhanuly B, Mukhatayev ZhY, Botbayev DM, Ashirbekov Y., Katkenov ND, Dzhaynakbaev NT, Sharipov KO. Modulation of Insulin Gene Expression with CRISPR/Cas9-based Transcription Factors // Open Access Maced J Med Sci. – 2021. – 9(A): 876–881.
- Sharipov K.O., Ashirbekov E.E., Abaildaev A.O., Botbaev D.M., Belkozhaev A.M., Bekzhanova D.M., Aitkhozhina N.A. Circulating miR-145 and miR-21 in breast cancer in the Kazakh population // Bulletin of KazNMU. – 2021. – No. 1. – P. 61-68.
- Ashirbekov Y., Abaildayev A., Omarbayeva N., Botbayev D., Belkozhayev A., Askandirova A., Neupokoyeva A., Utegenova G., Sharipov K., Aitkhozhina N. Combination of circulating miR-145-5p/miR-191-5p as biomarker for breast cancer detection // PeerJ. – 2020. – Vol. 8: e10494. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10494.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Abaildaev A.O., Belkozhaev A.M., Sharipov K.O., Aitkhozhina N.A. Plasma levels of some microRNAs in breast cancer in the Kazakh population // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – No. 6. P. 56-64.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Khrunin A.V., Botbaev D.M., Belkozhaev A.M., Abaildaev A.O., Rakhymgozhin M.B., Mukushkina D.D., Limborskaya S.A., Aitkhozhina ON THE. Molecular genetic analysis of the population structure of the Kazakh tribal alliance Senior Zhuz based on Y-chromosome polymorphism // Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 72-75. (Web of science IF = 0.313)
- Angelini S., Rosticci M., Massimo G., Musti M., Ravegnini G., Consolini N., Sammarini G., D’Addato S., Rizzoli E., Botbayev D., Borghi C., Cantelli-Forti G., Cicero A.F., Hrelia P. Relationship between Lipid Phenotypes, Overweight, Lipid Lowering Drug Response and KIF6 and HMG-CoA Genotypes in a Subset of the Brisighella Heart Study Population // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. – 2018. – Vol. 19, № 49. – doi:10.3390. (Web of science IF=3,5)
- Aitkhozhina N.A., Khanseitova A.K., Nigmatova V.G., Neupokoeva A.S., Sharafutdshyuva D.A., Ashirbekov E.E., Favorov A.V., Balmukhanov T.S. Associations of alleles combinations in the receptor 2 gene for fibroblast growth with breast cancer among different ethnic groups // Genetics. – 2017. – T. 53. – No. 9. – P. 1098-1105. (Web of science IF=0,505)
- Ashirbekov E., Botbaev D., Belkozhaev A., Abaildaev A., Mukhataev Zh., Alzhanuly B., Limborskaya S., Aitkhozhina N. Analysis of the Zhuz organization of Kazakh tribes based on the distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups // Vestnik KazNU. Biological series. – 2017. – T. 73, No. 4. – P. 81-89.
- Abaildaev A. O., Rakhymgozhin M. B., Neupokoeva A. S., Khodaeva A. Yu., Kulanbaev E. M., Ashirbekov E. E., Khanseitova A. K., Balmukhanov T. S., Aitkhozhina N. A. Association of variability in the LSP1 gene in patients with breast cancer diagnose in the populations of Kazakhstan // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2017. – No. 4. – P. 108-114.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Botbaev D.M., Belkozhaev A.M., Abaildaev A.O., Neupokoeva A.S., Mukhataev Zh.E., Alzhanuly B., Sharafutdinova D.A., Mukushkina D. D., Rakhymgozhin M.B., Khanseitova A.K., Limborskaya S.A., Aitkhozhina N.A. Distribution of haplogroups of the Y-chromosome of the Kazakhs of the South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2017. – No. 6. – P. 85-95.
- Mukushkina D.D., Abaildayev A.O., Khodayeva A.Y., Ashirbekov E.E., Talaeva Sh.Zh., Esimsiitova Z.B., Khanseitova A.K., Aitkhozhina N.A. Search of ESR1 gene polymorphisms association in Kazakhs and Russians with BC risk // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2016. – 231S S4–S109.
- Nigmatova V.G., Litus I.A., Mukushkina D.D., Miroshnik T.N., Khanseitova A.K., Omarbayeva N.A., Talaeva Sh.Zh., Balmukhanov T.S., Aitkhozhina ON THE. Variable polymorphic loci rs1128503 and rs1045642 of the multidrug resistance gene (MDR1) among patients with breast cancer diagnose in the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2016. – No. 3. – P. 116-122.
- Abaildayev A.O., Mukushkina D.D., Neupokoyeva A.S., Khodayeva A.Y., Rahymgozhin M.B., Belkozhayev A.M., Omarbayeva N.A., Erezhepov A.E., Khanseitova A.K., Aitkhozhina N.A. Association rs909116 in gene LSP1 with breast cancer in Kazakhstan populations // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2016. – Vol. 231. – P.S93-S94.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Neupokoeva A.S., Khodaeva A.Yu., Abaildaev A.O., Aitkhozhina N.A. On the origin of the Kazakh tribe Uak // VII Conference International School of Young Scientists on Molecular Genetics” Genomics and Biology of Living Systems”, Zvenigorod, Russia. – 2016. – P. 15.
- Neupokoyeva A., Mukushkina D., Miroshnik T., Abayldayev A., Khanseitova A., Balmukhanov T., Aitkhozhina N. Polymorphisms in the TOX3 gene and hormone receptor status of breast cancer in Kazakh women // FEBS Journal. – 2015. – Vol. 282 (Suppl. 1). – P. 251-252.
- Ashirbekov Y., Ashirbekova A., Aisina D., Botbayev D., Belkozhaev A., Khanseitova A., Balmukhanov T., Aitkhozhina N. Microsatellite variability of Y-chromosome C-haplogroup of Kazakhs // FEBS Journal. – 2015. – Vol. 282 (Suppl. 1). – P.355.
- Sharafutdinova D.A., Neupokoyeva A.S., Khanseitova A.K., Balmukhanov T.S., Aitkhozhina N.A. Association of the A870G polymorphism of CCND1 gene with breast cancer in Kazakhstan // 2nd international conference “Personalized medicine and global health”. – 2015.
- Khrunin A.V., Khanseitova A.K., Aliev A.M., Balmukhanov T.S., Aitkhozhina N.A., Limborskaya S.A. Analysis of structural genome variations in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer patients from Kazakhstan // International Conference Chromosome 2015, Novosibirsk. – 2015.
- Balmukhanov T.S., Khanseitova A.K., Nigmatova V.G., Neupokoeva A.S., Sharafutdinova D.A., Aitkhozhina N.A.. Lack of association between polymorphisms in rs2981582, rs2420946, rs17102287, rs1219648, rs2981578, and rs17542768 of FGFR2 gene with breast cancer in the population of Kazakhstan // Advances in Breast Cancer Research. – 2015. – № 4. – P. 109-113.
- Neupokoeva A.S., Mukushkina D.D., Abaildaev A.O., Miroshnik T.N., Khanseitova A.K., Balmukhanov T.S., Aitkhozhina N.A. TOX3 gene variability and hormonal status of breast cancer in populations of Kazakhstan. // Reports of NAS RK. – 2015. – No. 5. – P. 120-127.
- Khodaeva A., Abaildaev A., Litus I., Rakhymgozhin M., Balmukhanov T., Aitkhozhina , Associations of combinations of polymorphisms in the TP53 and HER2 genes with breast cancer among the population of Kazakhstan // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2015. – No. 6. – P. 119-126.
- Khanseitova A., Mukushkina D., Miroshnik T., Balmukhanov T., Aitkhozhina N. TOX3 single nucleotide variants and breast cancer in Kazakh ethnic group // Human genome meeting 2014, CICG-Geneva-Switzerland. – 2014. – P101.
- Khodayeva A., Miroshnik T., Neupokoeva A., Balmukhanov T. Analysis of association of variations in p53 gene with breast cancer risk in Kazakhstan population // FEBS Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 281 (Suppl. 1). – P.434.
- Balmukhanov T.S., Belkozhaev A.M., Botbaev D.M., Miroshnik T.N., Kazymbet P.K., Bakhtin M., Aitkhozhina N.A. Screening for polymorphisms in the RAD51, XPD and XRCC1 genes among workers in the nuclear industry of Kazakhstan // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2014. – No. 5. – P. 72-79.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Ashirbekova A.E., Aisina D.E., Botbaev D.M., Belkozhaev A.M., Khanseitova A.K., Balmukhanov T.S., Aitkhozhina N.A. Microsatellite variability of the Y-chromosome haplogroup C in Kazakhs // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2014. – No. 6. – P. 83-92.