Main publications for the period of 2012-2022
- Abaildayev, V. Kuzovlev, K. Sharipov, A. Khakimzhanov. Purification and characterization of α-amylase and protease of the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology.2022(3), P.3-12. https://doi.org/10.11134/btp.3.2022.1
- A. Khakimzhanov, V.A. Kuzovlev, A.A. Abaildayev. Chitinases of wheat seedling and their biochemical properties//Asian J agric. biol. 2021(3): 202005303, p. 1-12.
- Beskempirova Zh.D., Abaildaev A. O., Kuzovlev V. A., Khakimzhanov A. A. Purification and biochemical properties of wheat endochitinase // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ser. biol. med. 2019. No. 1. P.84-89.
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A. Isoenzyme composition and some properties of β-1,3-glucanase of wheat seedlings // Plant Physiology and Genetics – 2019. – V. 51, No. 6. P. 508-516.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of the cultural filtrate of the fungus Fusarium graminearum on the activity of glucanases and chitinases in wheat seedlings // Actual problems of biodiversity and biotechnology: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf./city Nur-Sultan, (October 2019). 2019. – 98-100.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Biochemical properties of wheat germ β-1,3-glucanase//International scientific conference of young scientists “Fundamental research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry” on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin / Almaty, (November 2019 G.). 2019. – 34.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of elicitors on the activity of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in wheat seedlings // International scientific conference of young scientists “Basic research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, Biochemistry” on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin / Almaty, (November 2019). 2019. – 35.
- Kuzovlev V.A., Beskempirova Zh.D., Shansharova D.A., Fursov O.V., Khakimzhanov A.A. Properties and functional features of the α-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor of wheat grain // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2018. V.54. No. 2. P.206-212 (Russian version). IF – 0.801 (Web of Science).
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Shansharova D.A., Tilegen B., Kuzovlev V.A. Features of inhibition of α-amylase isoenzymes from wheat grain by sodium phytate // Plant Physiology and Genetics. 2017. V.49. No. 4. P.293-299.
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Tilegen B., Mamytova N.S., Shansharova D.A., Kuzovlev V.A. Inhibition of starch hydrolysis by α-amylase from wheat grain by cyclodextrins // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ser. biol. med. 2017. No. 1. P.174-179.
- Tilegen B., Beskempirova Zh.D., Dalelkhankyzy A., Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Quantitative changes and hormonal regulation of α-amylase inhibitor in wheat grain // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of biol. medical, 2016, No. 1, P. 153-158.
- Tilegen B., Beskempirova Zh.D., Dalelkhankyzy A., Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Peculiarities of activity and isoenzyme composition of wheat β-1,3-glucanase in the norm and under the action of the cultural filtrate of the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ser. biol. med. 2016. No. 1. P.164-171.
- Mamytova N.S., Dalelkhankyzy A., Tilegen B., Beskempirova Zh.D., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of fusaric acid on the activity of β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase of wheat plant // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ser. biol. med. 2016. No. 1. P.77-83.
- Dalelkhankyzy A., Mamytova N.S., Beskempirova Zh.D., Tilegen B., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of chitin-glucan complex and oligosaccharide chitosan on the activation of β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in wheat seedlings // Izvestiya NAS RK, ser. biol. med. 2016. №3. P.46-53.
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Mamytova N.S., Beskempirova Zh.D., Tilegen B., Dalelkhankyzy A., Kuzovlev V.A., Aitkhozhina N.A. Chitinase complex of wheat and some of its properties // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2016. V.6. No. 310. P.85-93.
- Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A., Fursov O.V. Sugars as repressors of gibberellin-induced synthesis of wheat a-amylase // Plant Physiology. – 2014. – T.61. – Number 3. — P.412-418 (Russian version). IF – 0.759 (Web of Science).
- Mamytova N.S., Khakimzhanov A.A., Fursov O.V. Gibberellic and abscisic acids as regulators of α-amylase of the germ with a shield and the aleurone layer of wheat grain // Plant Physiology and Genetics. – 2014. – T.46. – No. 2. – P.143-150.
- Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A., Fursov O.V. The contribution of various groups of α-amylase of commercial grain of spring wheat to the formation of the “Fall number” value // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. – 2014. – T.50. – No. 5. — P.533-540 (Russian version). IF – 0.801 (Web of Science).
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Kuzovlev V.A., Mamytova N.S., Fursov O.V. Purification and some properties of an inhibitor of endogenous α-amylase of wheat grain // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of biol. med. – 2014. – No. 5. – P.44-48.
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Tilegen B., Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Fursov O.V. Inhibition of α-amylase from wheat grain by sodium phytate // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of biol. med., 2014, No. 4, P.56-59
- Mamytova N.S., Kuzovlev V.A., Babkenov A.T., Mamykova S.S., Khakimzhanov A.A., Fursov O.V. Methods for selecting wheat grain for resistance to sprouting on the vine // Izvestiya NAS RK, series and med. – 2012 – No. 5 – P.69-74.