
Main publications for the period of 2013-2022
- Gritsenko D.A., Aubakirova K.P., Voitsehovskiy I., Soldatova I, Galiakrapov N.N. Simultaneous detection of five apple viruses by RT-PCR.// International Journal of Biology and Chemistry (2020) v. 13, n. 1, p. 129-134. 2020.
- Pozharskiy A.S., Aubakirova K.P., Gritsenko D., Tlevlesov N.I., Karimov N.Zh., Galiakparov N.N., Ryabushkina N.A. Genotyping and morphometric analysis of Kazakhstani grapevine cultivars versus Asian and European cultivars // Genet. Mol. Res., 2020.
- Deryabina N.D., Gritsenko D.A., Aubakirova K. P., Baizhumanova S. S., Galiakparov N.N. Modern market of influenza vaccine production Eurasian journal of applied biotechnology. Vol.4, 2018. P. 1-10.
- Omasheva M., Flachowsky H., Ryabushkina N., Pozharskiy A., Galiakparov N., Hanke M. «To what extent do wild apples in Kazakhstan retain their genetic integrity?» Tree Genetics & Genomes (2017) 13: 52. doi:10.1007/s11295-017-1134-z.
- Kampitova GA, Yerbolova LS, Yegizbaeva TK, Alimbekova BE, Seidazimova D. Adaptation of the main elements of the technology of cultivation of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.) in the conditions of Southeast Kazakhstan // Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(12), 2017, 2528-2532.
- Omasheva M.E., S.V. Chekalin S.V., N. N. Galiakparov N.N. (2015) Evaluation of molecular genetic diversity of wild apple Malus sieversii populations from Zailiysky Alatau by microsatellite markers. Russian Journal of Genetics, Volume 51, Issue 7, 647-652.
- Yerbolova L., Ryabushkina N., Oleichenko S., Kampitova G., Galiakparov N. (2013) The effect of growth regulators on in vitro culture of some Vitis vinifera cultivars. World Applied Science Journal. 23(1): 76-80
- Aubakirova K.P., Omasheva M.E., Ryabushkina N.A., Beresneva L.V., Galiakparov N.N. (2013) The use of universal fluorescent-labeled primers in the genotyping of Kazakh grape varieties by microsatellite markers. Biotechnology. Theory and practice. No. 2, P. 35-41.