Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Anatoliy Borisovich Beklemishev graduated from the biological faculty of S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University. His scientific career began in 1969 in the laboratory of protein and nucleic acids which was headed by Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin. He worked his way from senior laboratory assistant to senior researcher and defended his thesis on the specialty “Biochemistry” under the guidance of Murat Aitkhozhin in 1974. His research interests in this period of time were related to the study of the regulation of protein biosynthesis at the translation level. He was the first who demonstrated the possibility of forming functionally active hybrid ribosomes from ribosomal subparticles of higher plants and mammals.

In 1978, in coordination with the Murat Aitkhozhin he was transferred to the Russian Research Institute of Molecular Biology, Ministry of medical and microbiological industry of the USSR (Novosibirsk) for the development of methods of genetic engineering – new at that time direction of molecular biological research, where he formed the area of his scientific interests that determined his whole further scientific activity.

Under the guidance of Anatoliy Beklemishev the work on the creation of a new generation of vaccines started in the Russian Research Institute of Molecular Biology. The main scientific works during this period were devoted to the structural and functional study of the genomes of pathogenic viruses and the development of molecular vaccines and diagnostic drugs using modern methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.

In 1986, A.B. Beklemishev returned to Kazakhstan to take a lead of the Laboratory of genetic engineering (LGI) at the new Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, created by Murat Aitkhozhin. The Laboratory of genetic engineering had more than 40 employees and included an immunology group. The Director of the Institute Murat Aitkhozhin set ambitious tasks for the laboratory to develop molecular vaccines of new generation, recombinant cytokines, as well as diagnostic test systems based on polymerase chain reaction and monoclonal antibodies for health care needs. The priority tasks of the study were to obtain a modified (non-toxic) staphylococcal alpha – toxin in recombinant form to create a molecular vaccine against staphylococcal infections, to obtain recombinant human cytokines-interleukin-1b and interleukin-3 for the creation of immunotherapeutic drugs, as well as to obtain monoclonal antibodies to staphylococcal alpha-toxin and enterotoxin A for the creation of enzyme diagnostic test systems.

In this period under his leadership (jointly with N.N. Belyaev) there were prepared two PhD theses (G.K. Zakiryanova and R.T. Tleulieva). During his work at the Institute (1986-1992) A. Beklemishev prepared a group of specialists in the field of molecular biology and genetic engineering. In 1992, due to family circumstances, he was forced to return to Novosibirsk, however, he continued to maintain scientific ties and participated in joint scientific work with scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In particular, together with the staff members of the Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids IMBB he took part at the project, funded by the International Fund “INCO-Copernicus” (1999-2000), he was a co-contractor of the ISTC K-1482 project, carried out by the team of Center for physical and chemical research and analysis methods (CFHMA) al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2005-2007), he carried out joint research with the staff of CFHMA and with the biological faculty researchers of al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2008-2009) on the projects funded under the Program of cooperation in the field of science and technology between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Anantoliy Beklemishev defended his doctoral thesis on “the Use of molecular biology and genetic engineering methods for the design of vaccines and diagnostic drugs” in the field of “Biochemistry” and “Molecular biology”, and in 2010 he was awarded the title of Professor in “Molecular biology” specialty. Currently, A. Beklemishev heads the Laboratory of genetic engineering at the Research Institute of Biochemistry Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of medical sciences (SB RAMS) (Novosibirsk). Anatoliy Beklemishev is the author of more than 230 publications, including one monograph and 13 inventions. Under his guidance 8 PhD theses were completed and defended.

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