Scientific seminar with the participation of members of the Academic Council of the Institute and researchers

On November 24, 2021, a scientific seminar was held with the participation of members of the Academic Council of the Institute and researchers. The chairman of the scientific seminar is Professor Sharipov K.O.
The agenda:
- Report of the Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acids Research, a leading researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences Zhigailov A.V. “Study of discrete fragmentation of 18S rRNA – as a new mechanism of intracellular plant protection in response to infection with phytopathogenic viruses and fungi”. Results of research for 2021.
- Report of the Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acids Research, a leading researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences Karpova O.V. “Assessment of the epidemiological situation of potato viral lesions in various regions of Kazakhstan and identification of molecular genetic features of local isolates”. Results of research for 2021.
- Zhigailov A.V. presented his report in the form of a presentation, which reflected the relevance, purpose, objectives, scientific novelty of the study, practical significance and main objects of work.
A group of scientists led by Andrey Vladimirovich investigates the mechanism of intracellular plant protection in response to infection with phytopathogenic viruses and fungi. In the course of the work, the influence of potato and wheat viruses in the process of discrete fragmentation of 18S rRNA was revealed. As a result, a method was developed for detecting 5’- and 3’-terminal fragments of 18S rRNA of plants by northern blotting using DIG-labeled probes. Total RNA preparations isolated from potato and wheat control plants, as well as from plants exposed to viral infection, wereanalyzed using the developed methodology. Three universal fragments of 18S rRNA («5,3 sRNA», «55nt-5’18S» and «100nt-3’18S») were identified, the number of which in plant cells has increased conclusively in response to biotic stress.
The work is being carried out according to the Scientific and technological progress calendar plan, the tasks set for 2021 have been completed on time and in full.
The participants of the seminar were asked questions to which exhaustive answers were given.
2. Karpova O.V. presented information on the progress of research on the identification of molecular genetic features of genomic RNA (gRNA) potato viruses, the most common in the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the comparative analysis of the gRNA of various PVM, PVS, PVY, PVX and PLRV strains, the most conservative (ORS encoding capsid protein) and variable genome regions for each virus were found. Nucleotide sequences were selected for the development of primer design in order to conduct multiplex RT-PCR both for the diagnosis of each virus separately and for simultaneous diagnosis of the most common PVX, PVY, PVM, PVS and PLRV in Kazakhstan.
The use of the proposed technology makes it possible to identify viruses that are not detected as a result of enzyme immunoassay detection of seed material. It is this method that farms use. The analysis of potato varieties cultivated in Almaty and Kostanay regions was carried out by the RT-PCR method. All local varieties were infected with viruses.
The work is carried out according to the calendar plan, the tasks are completed on time and in full.
At the end of the presentation, questions were put to the seminar participants and suggestions were made to put the research results into practical terms in order to realize the economic benefits of the industry concerned and to commercialize them.