The meeting of the IMBB Academic board was held on March 30.

The meeting heard the Strategic pans of IMBB laboratories development for 2022-2024 years, a report of a scientific project implementation which carried out under grant funding (AP09259392 “Ervinia amylovora-resistant genotypes of Malus sieversii”), speaker: project manager Galiakparov N.N.
A researcher of the Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids – Alexandrova A.M. presented a report on the topic: “Identification of proteins of the S-potato virus that suppress RNA interference to obtain plants resistant to carlaviruses”, based on the dissertation work of PhD doctoral studies results.
Academic board members unanimously approved the candidacies of Ismagulova G.A. and Karpova O.V. to recommend them for departmental awards of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.