A regular meeting of the IMBB Academic Council was held

A regular meeting of the IMBB Academic Council was held on September 21, 2022.
The status and prospects of international cooperation were discussed at the meeting. The necessity to intensify partnerships with foreign specialized institutes and universities, including within the framework of the “500 scientific internships” program was noted. Information on the conclusion in 2022 of a Memorandum of Cooperation between IMBB and Canterbury Christ Church University, School of Human and Life Sciences (England) was presented.
Members of the Academic Council got acquainted with the progress of work on the STP OR11465447-OT-21 “Development of highly sensitive molecular biological, biochemical tests for the detection of pathogens that affect the consumer qualities of the final product, based on the monitoring of pathogens of agricultural crops” (scientific supervisor – professor B. Iskakov d.b.Sc.,).
Beisenov D. researcher of the Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acids presented a report on the dissertation work following the results of PhD doctoral studies on the topic: “Regulation of the expression of recombinant transgenes in plant systems, using the L.1 protein of the sheep virus as an example.”
The topic of the dissertation work of a PhD doctoral student of the 1st year of study (specialty D082 “Biotechnology”) Nadirova L.T.: “Development of a new approach to increase plant growth through the modification of the eS6 ribosomal protein” was approved at the meeting of the Academic Council. Scientific adviser was approved – G. Stanbekova Ph.D., leading researcher of the IMBB laboratory of protein and nucleic acids and foreign consultant – Dr. Lyubov A. Ryabova, Director of the Research Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, France (Recherche Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes (IBMP), Strasbourg, France.
The Scientific Council nominated the candidates for the junior researcher of the laboratory of structural and functional genomics A. Abayldaev and researcher of the laboratory of biochemistry of grain crops A. Abaildaev for the 2022 competition of the CSc MScHE RK for state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists.