IRN АР13068414 “MicroRNA as a marker of differential diagnosis of lung cancer and tuberculosis”


Tuberculosis and lung cancer are among the most urgent medical and social problems worldwide. For both diseases, timely diagnosis is a key factor in the success of treatment. However, with a negative bacterial excretion in a patient, due to the similarity of the clinical and radiological picture of the two diseases, difficulties arise in differential diagnosis, which can lead to a delay in making the correct diagnosis and, as a result, to a decrease in the effectiveness of therapeutic measures due to the neglect of the pathological process. The existing instrumental methods for taking biopsy material from lung tissues are quite traumatic procedures and can lead to serious complications. These difficulties in the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and lung cancer are the basis for the search for new reliable and minimally invasive techniques. MicroRNA molecules are extremely promising biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases. Changes in miRNA concentration may reflect a pathological process, and the fact that these molecules circulate freely in biological fluids (blood, saliva, urine, etc.) makes it possible to develop a simple and minimally invasive diagnostic method. This project proposes to investigate the potential of circulating microRNA as a marker for early differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and lung cancer in the Kazakhstan population. Such studies will be performed for the first time in Kazakhstan.

Project target:

To evaluate the applicability of circulating microRNA as a biomarker in the differential diagnosis of lung cancer and tuberculosis.


The study will be performed on a “case-control” basis. It is proposed to study the differential expression of miRNAs plasma in three groups: patients with tuberculosis, patients with lung cancer, and healthy controls. Potential microRNA markers will be identified in two stages. At the first screening stage, an extended list of candidate miRNAs will be tested on a test set. Then, miRNAs that showed differential plasma expression between the studied groups will be tested on a full sample (validation stage). Transcripts will be quantified using quantitative PCR, which is a proven method for determining plasma microRNA concentrations and remains the best way to analyze small numbers of microRNAs today.

Expected results:

As a result of the project, the potential of using plasma microRNA in the early differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and lung cancer in the Kazakhstani population will be assessed. The results of the project will contribute to the development of a new reliable and minimally invasive method for diagnosing lung cancer and tuberculosis based on circulating microRNA, which will lead to an increase in the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, with the help of such a microRNA marker, it will be possible to predict the effectiveness of therapy, predict complications of diseases, distinguish between subtypes of diseases, etc. The expected socio-economic effect is achieved if a new fast and minimally invasive diagnostic method is developed: treatment will decrease, and in the longer term this should lead to a decrease in the economic losses associated with the loss of the population’s ability to work.

The results of the project will be published:

  • at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty five);
  • at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by CQAES;
  • or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the 1 (first) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database.



Full name, education, degree

Hirsch index, ResearcherID, ORCID,

Scopus Author ID (if available)

Role in a project or program,

type of work perfomance


Utegenova Gulzhakhan Abdujalilovna, Ph.D.,

al-Farabi Kazkh National University

H-index: 4.


Researcher ID:

Scopus ID: 57195075321

Project manager, senior researcher, general management, tasks setting, conception and design of experiments, experimental data processing and interpretation, reporting and publications


Ashirbekov Eldar Erlanovich, Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, al-Farabi Kazkh National University, MSc in biology

H-index: 2.


Researcher ID:

Scopus ID: 39960967900


Responsible executor, acting head of the Laboratory; concept and design of experiments, providing materials, statistical processing and interpretation of experimental data, reporting and publications


Abaildaev Arman Orazalyuly, al-Farabi Kazkh National University, MSc in biology

H-index: 2.


Researcher ID:

Scopus ID:

Execuror, researcher; optimization of the methodology and setting up experiments, responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the data received, smooth operation of instruments, verification and calibration of measuring instruments, collection of biomaterial


Alzhanuly Bakhytzhan, al-Farabi Kazkh National University, MSc in biology

H-index: 0.

Researcher ID:

Scopus ID:

Execuror, researcher; collection of biomaterial, sample preparation, setting up experiments, literature review, preparing for publications


Khamitova Nazgul Khamitkyz, al-Farabi Kazkh National University, MSc in biology

Execuror, junior researcher; collection of biomaterial, sample preparation, setting up experiments, literature review, preparing for publications


Satken Kantemir Serikboluly, al-Farabi Kazkh National University

Execuror, technician, collection of biomaterial, sample preparation, setting up experiments, technical support, preparing for publications


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