Institute publications 2019

Laboratory of protein and nucleic acid
- Apushev A.K., Ekaterinskaya E.M., Aleksandrova A.M. Variety of potato viruses of the Carlavirus genus in the Kostanay region // Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i: intellect, idea, innovation – Intelligence, idea, innovation” of Kostanay State University. – 2019. – No. 1. – P. 60-67. The IF KazBC–013.
- Karpova O.V., Alexandrova A.M., Nargilova R.M., Kryldakov R.V., Yekaterinskaya E.M., Romadanova N.V., Kushnarenko S.V., Iskakov B.K. Diagnosis of potato viruses in Kazakhstan: molecular characterization of isolates // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2019. – Vol. 1. – P. 58-67. The IF RISC-0,090.
- Beisenov D.K., Argimbaeva T.U., Stanbekova G.E., Iskakov B.K. Synthesis of the immunogenic domain of the L1R protein of the sheep pox virus in rapeseed // Veterinary Medicine, Animal Health and Biotechnology. – 2019. -№8. – P. 45-54. The IF RISC – 0.302.
- Alexandrova A.M., Karpova O.V., Nargilova R.M., Kryldakov R.V., Iskakov B.K. Development of a new method for eradication of potato viruses by induction of posttranscriptional gene silencing in transgenic plants // Current Challenges in Plant Genetic, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biothecnology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference PlantGen2019 / Eds. A. Kochetov, E. Salina / Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russion Academy of Sciences. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2019. – Р. 143-145.
- Stanbekova G. E., Beisenov D.K., Kalieva A.A., Iskakov B.K. Expression of the uidA gene in transplastomous tobacco plants under the control of the 5′-untranslated sequence of genomic RNA of potato Y-virus. al-Farabi, biological series. -2019. -Number 3. – P. 126-135. The IF KazBC – 0,043.
- Nizkorodova A.S., Iskakov B.K. New insight into the mechanism of ε-element enhancer action in coli cells // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biothechnology. – 2019. – Vol. 2. -P. 51-62.
Laboratory of genome
- Yuriy Skiba, Igor Mokrousov, Dilyara Nabirova, Anna Vyazovaya, Elina Maltseva, Natalya Malakhova, Gulnara Ismagulova, Ilva Pole, Renate Ranka, Zhanar Sapiyeva, Shakhimurat Ismailov, Daphne Moffett. Mycobacterium tuberculosis RD-Rio Strain in Kazakhstan. // Emerging Infectious Diseases. – 2019. – Vol.25. – N. 3. – P. 604-606. IF–42
- Yuriy Skiba, Igor Mokrousov, Dilyara Nabirova, Anna Vyazovaya, Elina Maltseva, Natalya Malakhova, Gulnara Ismagulova, Ilva Pole, Renate Ranka, Zhanar Sapiyeva, Shakhimurat Ismailov, Daphne Moffett. Mycobacterium tuberculosis RD-Rio Strain in Kazakhstan. // Emerging Infectious Diseases. – 2019. – Vol.25. – N. 3. – P. 604-606. IF-7.42
- Yuriy Skiba, Igor Mokrousov, Dilyara Nabirova, Anna Vyazovaya, Elina Maltseva, Natalya Malakhova, Gulnara Ismagulova, Ilva Pole, Renate Ranka, Zhanar Sapiyeva, Shakhimurat Ismailov, and Daphne Moffett. Mycobacterium tuberculosis RD-Rio Strain in Kazakhstan. // Emerging Infection Dis – 2019. – Vol.25. – N.3. – P. 604–606. doi: 10.3201/eid2503.181179 IF 6,258.
- Argynbaeva A.M., Malakhova N.P., Skiba Yu.A., Maltseva E.R. // Application of the immunochromatographic method for express diagnostics of bacterial blight of the Sievers apple tree in Kazakhstan // Іzdenister, natizheler – Research, results. – 2019. – No. 3 (83). – P.311-315.
Laboratory of immunology and molecular immunobiotechnology
- Perfilyeva Y.V., Ostapchuk Y.O., Abdolla N., Tleulieva R., Krasnoshtanov V.K., Belyaev N.N. Exogenous melatonin up-regulates expression of CD62L by lymphocytes in aged mice under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions // Immunological investigations. – 2019. IF 2,588 Thomson Reuters).
- Balabekova M.K., Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., Tokusheva A.N., Nurmuhambetov A., Tuhvatshin R.R., Trubachev V.V., Akhmetov Z.B., Abdolla N., Kairanbayeva G.K., Sulev K., Belyaev N.N. Oral administration of ammonium metavanadate and potassium dichromate distorts the inflammatory reaction induced by turpentine oil injection in male rats // Drug and chemical toxicology. – 2019. (IF 2,884, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters, Scopus).
- Perfilyeva Y.V., Nizkorodova A.S., Berdygulova Zh.A., Ostapchuk Y.O., Naizabayeva D.A., Neupokoyeva A.S., Kuznetsova T.V., Shishkina T.S., Abuova G.N., Yegemberdiyeva R.A., Bissenbay A.O., Maltseva E.R., Mamadaliyev S.M., Dmitrovsky A.M. Detection of IgG against Rickettsia typhi: a population-based study in southern Kazakhstan // Infektoloski Glasnik. – 2019. — Vol. 39 (4). – P. 113-118. (6%, 0.1 Cite Score, Q4 Scopus).
- Perfilyeva A.V., Belyaev N.N. Chronic inflammation contributes to tumor growth: Possible role of L-selectin-expressing myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs)//Inflammation. – 2019. – Vol. 42(1). – P. 276-289. IF 2,884 Thomson Reuters; Q2 – Scopus.
- Balabekova M.K., Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., TokushevaN., Nurmuhambetov A., Tuhvatshin R.R., Trubachev V.V., Akhmetov Z.B., Abdolla N., Kairanbayeva G.K., Sulev K., Belyaev N.N. Oral administration of ammonium metavanadate and potassium dichromate distorts the inflammatory reaction induced by turpentine oil injection in male rats//Drug and chemical toxicology, – 2019. IF 1.988, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters; Q2 – Scopus.
- Mukhatayev Z., Pontarolo-Maag K., Eby J. M., Peiffer D., Mehrotra S., Junghans R.P., Le Poole I.C. GD3 CAR-Tregs to mount antigen-specific immunosuppression in vitiligo. // Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. – 2019. – Vol.32. – P.173–202. IF 4.172, Q1, 95th
- Dellacecca E.R., Cosgrove C., Mukhatayev Z., et al. Ampicillin drives gut dysbiosis and progressive depigmentation in a mouse model of vitiligo. // Journal of Investigative Dermatology. – 2019. – Vol.139. – N.5. – P. 89. IF 6.29, Q1, 98th
- Tomas A., Sumugan S., Mukhatayev Z. et al. Loss of function of the TSC1-TSC2 complex renders tu- mors eligible for GD3 CART therapy.// Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. – 2019. – Vol.7(282). – P.106. IF 8.728, Q1, 94th
- Ostapchuk E.O., Mukhataev Zh.E., Tleulieva R.T. et al. Natural T-regulatory cells increase the proliferative activity and resistance to the action of antitumor drugs in the human k562 erythroleukemia cell line. // Bulletin of KazNU. – 2019. – No2 (79). – P. 169-177.
Laboratory of plant bioengineering
- Tezekbaeva B.K., Maltseva E.R., Skiba Y.A., Bayadilova G.O. Malakhova N.P. Optimization of the parameters of the bioballistic transformation of potatoes. Proceedings of the XIII international scientific conference “Innovative development and demand for science in modern Kazakhstan”, TSU, Taraz, KBZh 74.58 ISBN 978-601-7300-77-7
- K. Tezekbaeva N.P. Malakhova. Optimization of parameters of potato bioballistic transformation: type and stage of development of donor material. Collection of the International scientific conference of young scientists “Basic research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry” 2019, Almaty, P.91.
- K. Tezekbaeva N.P. Malakhova Introduction of Rubus occidentalis plants into in vitro culture. Collection of the International scientific conference of young scientists “Basic research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry” 2019, Almaty, P.90.
- A.Dmitrieva, A.A.Kaliyeva, N.P.Malakhova. Micropropagation of Chrysantemum L. in vitro. Collection of the International scientific conference of young scientists “Basic research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry” 2019, Almaty, P.76
- Argynbaeva A.M., Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A., Maltseva E.R. // Application of the immunochromatographic method for express diagnostics of bacterial blight of the Sievers apple tree in Kazakhstan // Іzdenister, natizheler – Research, results. No. 3 (83) 2019. ISSN 2304-3334. P.311-315
- Yuriy Skiba, Igor Mokrousov, Dilyara Nabirova, Anna Vyazovaya, Elina Maltseva, Natalya Malakhova, Gulnara Ismagulova, Ilva Pole, Renate Ranka, Zhanar Sapiyeva, Shakhimurat Ismailov, and Daphne Moffett // Mycobacterium tuberculosis RD-Rio Strain in Kazakhstan // Emerging Infection Dis 2019, Marh; 25(3): P. 604–606. doi: 10.3201/eid2503.181179
- Skripkina K.A., Kalieva A.A., Malakhova N.P. Introduction of Chrysantemum L. plants into in vitro culture // Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings, “Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Almaty – 2019. V.2 P. 673 – 676. ISBN 978-601-323-145-7
- Maryukhina L.A., Tezekbaeva B.K., Malakhova N.P. Reproduction of lilies in culture in vitro // Proceedings of the Satpayev Readings, “Innovative technologies – the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Almaty – 2019. V.2 P. 648 – 651. ISBN 978-601-323-145-7
Laboratory of grain crops biochemistry
- Beskempirova Zh.D., Abaildaev A. O., Kuzovlev V. A., Khakimzhanov A. A. Purification and biochemical properties of wheat endochitinase // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ser. biol. med. 2019. No. 1. P.84-89.
- Khakimzhanov A.A., Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A. Isoenzyme composition and some properties of β-1,3-glucanase of wheat seedlings // Plant Physiology and Genetics – 2019. – V. 51, No. 6. P. 508-516.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of the cultural filtrate of the fungus Fusarium graminearum on the activity of glucanases and chitinases in wheat seedlings // Actual problems of biodiversity and biotechnology: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf./city. Nur-Sultan, (October 2019). 2019. – 98-100.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Biochemical properties of wheat germ β-1,3-glucanase // International scientific conference of young scientists “Fundamental research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry” on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of academician Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin / Almaty, (November 2019). 2019. – 34.
- Abaildaev A.O., Kuzovlev V.A., Khakimzhanov A.A. Influence of elicitors on the activity of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in wheat seedlings // International scientific conference of young scientists “Basic research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, Biochemistry” on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician Murat Abenovich Aitkhozhin / Almaty, (November 2019). 2019. – 35.