Institute publications 2020

Laboratory of protein and nucleic acid
- Karpova O., Alexandrova A., Yeriskina E., Kryldakov R., Gritsenko D., Galiakparov N., Iskakov B. Andean and Ordinary strains of Potato virus S infecting potatoes in southern Kazakhstan // Plant Disease. – 2020. – V. 104, №2. – P. 599. IF 3,58; percentile 62
- Zhigailov A.V. Alexandrova A.M., Nizkorodova A.S., Stanbekova G.E., Kryldakov R.V., Karpova O.V., Polimbetova N.S., Halford N.G., Iskakov B.K. Evidence that phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF2 does not essentially inhibit mRNA translation in wheat germ cell-free system. Frontiers in Plant Science. – 2020. – Vol. 11. – Article no.: 936. IF 4.106; percentile (Scopus) – 95%; SiteScore – 4.47; quartile (WoS) – Q1; Sjr – 1.687.
- Nizkorodova A., Suvorova M., Zhigailov A., Iskakov B. The effect of translation promoting site (TPS) on protein expression in coli cells. Molecular Biotechnology. – 2020. – Vol.62, No.6-7. –P. 1-9. (IF 1.712; percentile (Scopus) – 51%; SiteScore – 1.72; quartile (WoS) – Q3; Sjr – 0.56.
- Zhigailov A.V., Stanbekova G.E., Beisenov D.K., Nizkorodova A.S., Polimbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Constructing the constitutively active ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtRPS6K2) and testing its activity in vitro // Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii. – 2020. – Vol.24. – No.3. – P. 233-238. Percentile (Scopus) – 31%; SiteScore – 0.45; Sjr 0.147; quartile (Scimago) – Q4; IF RISC – 0,858.
- Beisenov D.K., Stanbekova G.E., Iskakov B.K. Тransplastomic tobacco plants producing the hydrophilic domain of the sheep pox virus coat protein L1R // Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii. – 2020. – Vol.24. – 8. – P. Percentile (Scopus) – 31%; IF RISC – 0,858.
Laboratory of structural and functional genomics
- Ashirbekov Y., Abaildayev A., Omarbayeva N., Botbayev D., Belkozhayev A., Askandirova A., Neupokoyeva A., Utegenova G., Sharipov K., Aitkhozhina N. Combination of circulating miR-145-5p/miR-191-5p as biomarker for breast cancer detection // PeerJ. – 2020. – Vol. 8: e10494.
- Ashirbekov E.E., Abaildaev A.O., Belkozhaev A.M., Sharipov K.O., Aitkhozhina N.A. Plasma levels of some microRNAs in breast cancer in the Kazakh population // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – No. 6. P. 56-64
Laboratory of genome
- Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A, Tezekbayeva B.K., Maltseva E.R. and Ismagulova G.A. Optimization of core phases of biolistic transformation of potato. // BIO Web of Conferences II International Scientific Conference “Plants and Microbes: The Future of Biotechnology”. – 2020. – Vol. 23. Indexing in WOS.
- Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A., Maltseva E.R., Iskakova G.A., Naizabayeva D.A., Tezekbayeva B. K., Bissenbay A.O., Toibayeva K.A., Ismagulova G.A. Assessment of the integrated chitinase gene stability in wheat lines after bioballistic transformation. // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – 6. – N. 334. – P. 5-13.
- Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A., Maltseva E.R., Iskakova G.A., Tezekbayeva B. K., Ismagulova G.A., Nizkorodova A.S. Сisgenic biolistic transformation for obtaining new forms of potatoes with improved resistance to late blight. // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – 6. – N. 334. – P. 14-21.
Laboratory of biotechnology and molecular genetics
- Gritsenko D.A., Aubakirova K.P., Voitsehovskiy I., Soldatova I, Galiakrapov N.N. Simultaneous detection of five apple viruses by RT-PCR.// International Journal of Biology and Chemistry (2020) v. 13, n. 1, P. 129-134. 2020.
- Pozharskiy A.S., Aubakirova K.P., Gritsenko D., Tlevlesov N.I., Karimov N.Zh., Galiakparov N.N., Ryabushkina N.A. Genotyping and morphometric analysis of Kazakhstani grapevine cultivars versus Asian and European cultivars // Genet. Mol. Res., 2020.
Laboratory of immunology and molecular immunobiotechnology
- Mukhatayev Zh., Dellacecca E.R., Cosgrove C., Shivde R., Jaishankar D., Pontarolo-Maag K., Eby J.M., Henning S.W., Ostapchuk Y.O., Cedercreutz, Issanov A., Mehrotra S., Overbeck A., Junghans R.P., Leventhal J.R., Le Poole I.C. Antigen Specificity Enhances Disease Control by Tregs in Vitiligo // Frontiers in Immunology. – 2020. Vol. 11. – 581433. 085 (Q1) Web of Science, Thomson Reuters, 5.4 (SJR – 2.12), 94%, Scopus (Q1)).
- Ostapchuk EO, Mukhataev Zh.E., Perfiyeva Y. Phenotypic analysis of T-regulatory cells in the peripheral blood of patients with vitiligo. // Bulletin of KazNU. – 2020. – No2(83). – P. 84-91.
- Perfilyeva Y.V., Karalnik B.V., Ostapchuk E.O., Kali A., Tleulieva R.T., Abdolla N., Krasnoshtanov V.K., Belyaev N.N. Age-related decline in vaccination efficacy: the potential role of myeloid suppressor cells. // Successes of gerontology. – 2020. -T. 33. – No. 4. – P. 785-795.
- Ostapchuk Y.O., Zhigailov A.V., Perfilyeva Y.V., Shumilina A.G., YeraliyevaT., Nizkorodova A.S., Kuznetsova T.V., Iskakova F.A., Berdygulova Z.A., Neupokoyeva A.S., Mamadaliyev S.M., Dmitrovskiy A.M. Two case reports of neuroinvasive West Nile Virus infection in the Almaty region, Kazakhstan // IDCases. — 2020. — Vol. 21. –e00872. (IF 8, Web of Science; Scopus – Q3).
- Perfilyeva Y.V., Shapiyeva Z.Zh., Ostapchuk Y.O., Berdygulova Z.A., Bissenbay A.O., Kulemin M.V., Ismagulova G.A., Maltseva E.R., Skiba Y.A., Sayakova Z.Z., Mamadaliyev S.M., Dmitrovskiy A.M. Tick-borne pathogens and their vectors in Kazakhstan – a review // Ticks and Tick-borne diseases. — 2020. – Vol. 11 (5). – 101498. (IF 005, Web of Science; Scopus – Q1).
- Yekaterina O. Ostapchuk , Yuliya V. Perfilyeva , Aikyn Kali , Raikhan Tleulieva , Oxana Yu. Yurikova, Gulshan E. Stanbekova , Boris V. Karalnik & Nikolai N. Belyaev. Fc Receptor is Involved in Nk Cell Functional Anergy Induced by Miapaca2 Tumor Cell Line. // Immunological Investigations. – 2020. IF 2.811, Q2.
- Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., Kali A., Tleulieva R., Yurikova O.Y., Stanbekova G.E., et al. Fc Receptor is Involved in NK Cell Functional Anergy Induced by Miapaca2 Tumor Cell Line // Immunol Invest. – 2020. – P. 1-16. IF 2.5. Percentile (Scopus) – 43%; quartile (WoS) – Q3; IF – 2.51.
- Dellacecca ER, Cosgrove C, Mukhatayev Z, Antibiotics drive microbial imbalance and vitiligo development in mice. // Journal of Investigative Dermatology. – 2020. – 140. – P. 676-687 IF 7.12, Q1, 98 Percentile.
Laboratory of plant bioengineering
- P. Malakhova, Y.A. Skiba, B.K. Tezekbayeva, E. R. Maltseva and G. A. Ismagulova // Optimization of core phases of biolistic transformation of potato // BIO Web of Conferences II International Scientific Conference “Plants and Microbes: The Future of Biotechnology”, – 2020. – Vol. 23. 01007.
- Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A., Maltseva E.R., Iskakova G.A., Naizabayeva D.A., Tezekbayeva B. K., Bissenbay A.O., Toibayeva K.A., Ismagulova G.A. Assessment of the integrated chitinase gene stability in wheat lines after bioballistic transformation. // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – 6. – N. 334. – P. 5-13.
- Malakhova N.P., Skiba Y.A., Maltseva E.R., Iskakova G.A., Tezekbayeva B. K., Ismagulova G.A., Nizkorodova A.S. Сisgenic biolistic transformation for obtaining new forms of potatoes with improved resistance to late blight. // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2020. – 6. – N. 334. – P. 14-21.
- Argynbayeva A.M., Malakhova N.P., Maltseva E.R., Skiba Y.A. Diagnosis of bacterial fire blight of wild apple trees in Kazakhstan // The 4th International scientific and practical conference “Priority directions of science development” (February 3-4, 2020) SPC “”, Lviv, Ukraine – 2020. –P.46-49. ISBN978-966-8219-26-9.
- M. Akhmetova, N. P. Malakhova, Peculiarities of microclonal propagation of plants obtained from isolated embryos under in vitro conditions / Proceedings of the International Conference “Satpayev Readings – 2020”, Almaty, P. 541-54.