On December 26, 2022, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held at M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

General Director K.O. Sharipov summed up the activities of M. Aitkhozhin for 2022.
First of all, the results of the Institute’s scientific activities were noted, such as the successful completion of research within the framework of program-targeted and grant funding, publications on their results in high-rated journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases (Q1 – 7, Q2 – 5 , Q3 – 3), as well as in journals recommended by CQAFES MES RK (16).
The importance of expanding and strengthening the Institute’s collaborative ties with research organizations and universities in the UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, and Kazakhstan was especially emphasized, in particular, for training and advanced training of personnel, as well as for expanding the range of areas of scientific research.
Chief Accountant L.A. Kasymzhanova presented information on the results of the Institute’s financial activities for 2022.