Introductory seminar by a professor from the Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Punjab University

On 21 September 2023, Professor Allah Bakhsh, an expert in plant molecular biology from the Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Punjab University, visited the M.Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
Professor Bakhsh told the scientists of the IMBB about the history of the creation of the Center, its achievements, tasks and plans. Issues of commercialization of scientific work, difficulties faced by the Center’s scientists and ways to overcome them were also touched upon. The Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Punjab is considered one of the leading biological research centers in Asia, with scientific connections throughout the world.
Professor Allah Bakhsh was given an introductory tour of the laboratories of the IMBB, information was provided on the directions of ongoing research and current projects.
In general, the meeting of the Institute’s scientists with Professor Allah Bakhsh was productive and will contribute to the exchange of knowledge and the expansion of international scientific relations.