Scientific seminar: “School of Proteomics”

On February 14, 2024, a scientific seminar: “School of Proteomics” was held at M.A. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
The presentations “Western blotting: step by step” and “Chromatography solutions from Bio-Rad. Experiment planning” were presented by PhD Rafil Khairullin, Proteomics specialist at “Bio-Rad Laboratories”.
The presentations covered such issues as: what problems are solved using Western blotting, stages of Western blotting, difficulties with Western blotting, line of equipment and products for electrophoresis and blotting from Bio-Rad, planning of experiments for protein purification, recent advances in chromatography devices from Bio-Rad (NGC (New Generation Chromatography) chromatographic systems, columns, sorbents, etc.).
Recombinant protein purification and rapid electrophoresis using the Bio-Rad Mini Protean system were demonstrated during the practical part of the seminar.
Seminar organizers: Algimed LLP (S. Lobatsevich), Bio-Rad Laboratories LLC and M.A. Aitkhozhin IMBB.