On August 29, 2024 at M.A. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry an extraordinary meeting of the Scientific Council was held.
At the meeting of the Scientific Council, awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan were presented on the occasion of the celebration of Constitution Day:
– badge “Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin” – to the head of the laboratory of plant bioengineering, PhD in Biology, associate professor Malakhova N.P.
– “Gylym zhane zhogary bilim ministerliginin kurmet gramotasy” – to the leading researcher of the laboratory of proteins and nucleic acids, PhD in Biology, associate professor Stanbekova G.E.
– honorary Diploma “Gylym Uzdigi” – to the leading researcher of the laboratory of proteins and nucleic acids, PhD in Biology Karpova O.V.
– “Gylym zhane zhogary bilim ministrliginin Algysy” – to the senior researcher of the laboratory of biotechnology and molecular genetics, PhD Erbolova L.S.; senior researcher of the laboratory of plant bioengineering Khaseyin A.; junior researcher of the laboratory of biotechnology and molecular genetics Rakhatkyzy A.; researcher of the laboratory of biochemistry of grain crops Abayldayev A.O.
– honorary diploma “Til zhanashyry” – to the head of the laboratory of biotechnology and molecular genetics, PhD Aubakirova K.P.
At the meeting, the following monographs were reviewed and recommended for publication:
- “Transgene-induced RNA interference in potato plants directed against carlaviruses”, authors – A.M. Aleksandrova, O.V. Karpova
- “Potato M-virus and its silencing suppressors”, authors – R.V. Kryldakov, B.K. Iskakov.
The meeting also considered the issue of achieving key indicators within the framework of the implementation of STP BR21881942 “Development of biotechnological approaches to control phytopathogens in order to increase the productivity of agricultural crops.”
The meeting also considered the on the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Science and Technology Policy” dated July 1, 2024 No. 103-VIII ZRK. Information from the General Director of the Institute Sharipov K.O.
This Law shall regulate public relations in the field of science, scientific and (or) scientific and technological activity, commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technological activity, shall determine the basic principles and mechanisms of functioning and development of the national science system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The law provides for a new mechanism for assessing the validity and technological readiness (TRL) for the implementation of scientific research from idea and prototypes to implementation and mass production; social support for scientists within the framework of preferential lending for young scientists and tax benefits/deductions for subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities carrying out research, the status of the Science Foundation as a National Agency for Commercialization of Technologies has been expanded to support innovation infrastructure and attract venture funding; and also the new status of the National Academy of Sciences was determined in the form of the highest scientific organization.
The working group for the development of the Law consisted of Sharipov K.O. – General Director, Ismagulova G.A. – Deputy Director.