Information about the meeting of the scientific council of M. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

On April 15, a meeting of the scientific council of M. Aitkhozhin
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry was held in the on-line mode. The meeting was held by the General Director of the Institute K. Sharipov. The meeting was attended by the scientific secretary, the inspector of the personnel department, heads of laboratories, scientific project managers, leading specialists, and the chairman of the council of young scientists.
The following issues were considered at the meeting:
- Current status of grant projects;
- About the preparation of articles based on research results of grant projects;
- About participation of employees in the competition of the Science Foundation “Stop coronavirus»;
- Project managers informed about the impact of restricted access to laboratory facilities on the progress of tasks in the calendar plans. Due to the restriction of access in the laboratory, there may be a situation of loss of all experimental materials obtained during 2 years of project implementation. 2020 is the final year, so there is a question of increasing the number of people with access and permission to move within the city.
- Scientific supervisors provided information about the submission and preparation of articles on grant projects 2018-2020 years.
- The Science Foundation has announced a competition for “Stop coronavirus” projects, which will be protected on-line. 2 projects from IMBB were submitted for the competition:
- Nizkorodova A.S. Project: 060-2020-SK “Development and
production of double-stranded RNA preparations aimed at suppressing the expression of the COVID-19 virus in infected people with pulmonary manifestations of viral damage”.
Team: Nizkorodova Anna Sergeevna, Karpova Oxana Vyacheslavovna, Kryldakov Ruslan Vladimirovich, Alena Alexandrova, Elena Eriskina.
The essence of the project: Development of an experimental drug based on double-stranded RNA, which will directly affect the virus inside the cells of affected lungs;
- Stanbekova G.E. Project: 030-2020-SK “Creation of a recombinant strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, producing the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, for the development of an edible vaccine against coronavirus infection”.
Team: Stanbekova Gulshan Esenbekovna, Zhigailov Andrey Viktorovich, Iskakov Bulat Kudaibergenovich, Palimbetova Neiylya Seitzhanovna, Nadirova Leila Timurovna.
The essence of the project: Development of an inexpensive prophylactic agent based on a yeast strain for the development of artificial active immunity of the body to SARS-CoV-2 in order to reduce the level of lethality and severity of symptoms when infected with the virus.
Projects in colloboration with the IMBB:
- Dmitrovsky Andrey Mikhailovich – AF NCB (CRL).
Project: 074-2020-SK “Testing the effectiveness of immunoglobulin for SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as a treatment for COVID-19”.
Team: Dmitrovsky Andrey Mikhailovich, Ostapchuk Ekaterina Olegovna, Perfil’eva Yuliya Viktorovna, Nizkorodova Anna Sergeevna, Kuatbekova Saltanat Alimbekqyzy.
The essence of the project: Development of a scheme to test the effectiveness of immunoglobulins isolated from COVID-19 patients, for subsequent use as a therapeutic tool to alleviate the severity of symptoms caused by SARS-CoV-2.
- Mamadaliev Seidigapbar Mamadalievich – AF NCB (CRL).
Project: 079-2020-SK “Creation of a collection of cDNA-genes and molecular genetic analysis of various SARS-CoV-2 genotypes circulating during the 2020 outbreak in Kazakhstan”.
Team: Mamadaliev Seidigapbar Mamadalievich, Zhigailov Andrey Viktorovich, Tabynov Kairat Kazybaevich, Neupokoeva Alena Sergeevna, Bisenbay Akerke Ongarbayqyzy.
The essence of the project: Formation of information about the prevalence of certain genotypes of the virus. Creating collections of cDNA-tests for a comprehensive analysis of the outbreak of a new virus in Kazakhstan.
- Skiba Yuri Alexandrovich – AF NCB (CRL).
Project: 088-2020-SK “Development of a panel of markers for differential diagnosis of respiratory infections, including COVID-19, based on the method of hybridization on biological microchips”.
Team: Skiba Yuri Alexandrovich, Ismagulova Gulnara Akimzhanovna, Maltsev Elena Romanovna, Berdygulova Zhanna Amirovna, Naizabaeva Dinara Adamzhanqyzy.
The essence of the project: Development of a method for screening for the presence of viral agents that cause respiratory infection, including a new type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, based on the method of nucleic acid hybridization on biological microchips, which will cover the entire spectrum of potential pathogens that can cause symptoms of respiratory infections.
- Take into account information about the progress of tasks calendar plans of grant projects;
- In connection with the urgent need to apply to the Akimat of Almaty and the CS of the MES of the RK to expand the list of persons with permission to move around the city. Include in the list of employees represented by thе heads of the laboratories and scientific project managers, and allow them to work in laboratories strictly from 9.00 to 18.00 hours;
- Take note of the status of publications;
- Inform all employees of the Institute about the “Stop coronavirus” competition and take an active part in voting on the selection of the best projects of the competition on April 15-17.
Based on the results of experts voting:
– project 079-2020-SK “Creation of a collection of cDNA-genes and molecular genetic analysis of various SARS-CoV-2 genotypes circulating during the 2020 outbreak in Kazakhstan” (scientific supervisor Mamadaliev S.M.) took the first place;
– project 088-2020-SK “Development of a panel of markers for differential diagnosis of respiratory infections, including COVID-19, based on the method of hybridization on biological microchips” (scientific supervisor Skiba Yu.A.) took the sixth place.