On April 27, 2023, a regular meeting of IMBB Academic Council was held.

The meeting approved the composition of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the international conference of young scientists dedicated to the 40th anniversary of M.A.Aitkhozhin Institute of molecular biology and biochemistry.
Researcher at the Laboratory of structural and functional genomics Ayaz Belkozhaev presented a report on the results of a scientific internship at Canterbury Christ church university, the school of human and life sciences, which was held as part of the 500 scientists’ project.
At the meeting of the Academic council, candidates for the title of Associate professor in the direction “10500 – Biological sciences” were considered: Head of the Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Ph.D. (biology) Andrey Zhigailov, Leading researcher of the Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Ph.D. (biology) Gulshan Stanbekova and Leading researcher of the Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Ph.D. (biology) Anna Nizkorodova. All proposed candidates were approved unanimously by open voting.
At the meeting of the Academic Council, awards were presented by the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the Day of science workers to:
- Gulnara Ismagulova, Ph.D., Deputy General Director – the badge of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin”;
- Oksana Karpova, Ph.D., Leading researcher, Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Gulshan Stanbekova, Ph.D., Leading researcher, Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Ruslan Kryldakov, Ph.D., Senior researcher, Laboratory of protein and nucleic acids, Nurshat Abdolla, Ph.D., acting Head of the Laboratory of molecular immunology and immunobiotechnology – letters of thanks “Algys Khat” of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.