At M.A. Aitkhozhin Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry held a round table dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of academician Murat Aitkhozhin.

A Round table dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of academician Murat Aitkhozhin was held in Almaty.
Colleagues and peers of Murat Aitkhozhin took part in the Round table: academician R.A. Urazaliev, academician I.R. Rakhimbaev, R.Zh. Azimuratova, K.A. Toibaeva, A.R. Iskakov, M.A. Abdykalykov.; classmates: Neretina N.V., Tleuberdina P.A.; Murat Aitkhozhin’s students: Iskakov B.K., Polimbetova N.S., as well as employees of M.A. Aitkhozhina Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
With a welcoming speech and a report on the history, scientific achievements and development prospects of M.A. Aitkhozhina Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry was addressed by the General Director of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sharipov K.O.
At the Round table, reports were heard from young scientists from M.A. Aitkhozhin IMBB: Zhigailov A.V., Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acids “Study of molecular mechanisms of regulation of protein biosynthesis and plant adaptation to environmental factors and phytopathogens”; Abdollah N., PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Immunobiotechnology “The Impact of Obesity Associated with Disorders of Circadian Rhythms on the Immune System”; Belkozhaev A., PhD, researcher at the Laboratory of Structural and Functional Genomics “The Influence of International Scholarships on the Development of Research Institutions.”
Memories of Academician Murat Aitkhozhin and the formation of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry were presented by: Academician Urazaliev R.A., Academician Rakhimbaev I.R., Neretina N.V., Azimuratova R.Zh., Iskakov A.R., Abdykalykov M.A., Tleuberdina P.A.