
2003-2022 жылдардағы негізгі жарияланымдар

2020 жыл

  • Gritsenko D.A., Aubakirova K.P., Voitsehovskiy I., Soldatova I, Galiakrapov N.N. Simultaneous detection of five apple viruses by RT-PCR. // International Journal of Biology and Chemistry // 2020; — Vol. 13. № 1. – 129-134. https://doi.org/10.26577/ijbch.2020.v13.i1.13
  • Pozharskiy A.S., Aubakirova K.P., Gritsenko D., Tlevlesov N.I., Karimov N.Zh., Galiakparov N.N., Ryabushkina N.A. Genotyping and morphometric analysis of Kazakhstani grapevine cultivars versus Asian and European cultivars // Genetics and Molecular Res 2020; 19(1). https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18482

2018 жыл

  • Deryabina N.D., Gritsenko D.A., Aubakirova K. P., Baizhumanova S. S., Galiakparov N.N. Modern market of influenza vaccine production Eurasian journal of applied biotechnology. 2018; №4. – 1-10.

2017 жыл

  • Omasheva M., Flachowsky H., Ryabushkina N., Pozharskiy A., Galiakparov N., Hanke M. To what extent do wild apples in Kazakhstan retain their genetic integrity? // Tree Genetics & Genomes. (52) 2017; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11295-017-1134-z
  • Kampitova GA, Yerbolova LS, Yegizbaeva TK, Alimbekova BE, Seidazimova D. Adaptation of the main elements of the technology of cultivation of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.) in the conditions of Southeast Kazakhstan // Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research. 2017; – 9(12). – P. 2528-2532.

2015 жыл

  • Omasheva M.E., S.V. Chekalin S.V., N. N. Galiakparov N.N. (2015) Evaluation of molecular genetic diversity of wild apple Malus sieversii populations from Zailiysky Alatau by microsatellite markers // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2015; №7. – Vol. 51. – P. 647-652. https://doi.org/1134/s1022795415070108

2013 жыл

  • Yerbolova L., Ryabushkina N., Oleichenko S., Kampitova G., Galiakparov N. (2013) The effect of growth regulators on in vitro culture of some Vitis vinifera cultivars // World Applied Science Journal. 2013; 23(1) 76-80. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.23.01.13043
  • Аубакирова К.П., Омашева М. Е., Рябушкина Н.А., Береснева Л.В., Галиакпаров Н.Н. (2013) Использование универсальных флуоресцентно-меченых праймеров в генотипировании казахстанских сортов винограда по микросателлитным маркерам // Биотехнология. Теория и практика. 2013; №2, – С. 35-41. DOI: 11134/btp.2.2013.6

2006 жыл

  • Haviv S, Galiakparov N, Goszczynski DE, Batuman O, Czosnek H, Mawassi M. Engineering the genome of Grapevine virus A into a vector for expression of proteins in herbaceous plants // Journal of Virological Methods. 2006; 132(1-2). P. 227-231. https://doi.org/1016/j.jviromet.2005.10.020

2003 жыл

  • Galiakparov N., Tanne E., Sela, Gafny R. (2003) Functional analysis of the Grapevine virus A genome // Virology. 2003; 306. 42-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0042-6822(02)00019-3
  • Galiakparov N, Tanne E, Mawassi M, Gafny R, Sela I. ORF 5 of grapevine virus A encodes a nucleic acid-binding protein and affects pathogenesis // Virus Genes. 2003; 27(3), 257-262. https://doi.org/10.1023/a:1026395815980
  • Galiakparov N., Goszczynski DE., Che X., Batuman O., Bar-Joseph M., Mawassi M. (2003) Two classes of subgenomic RNA of grapevine virus A produced by internal controller elements // Virology. 2003; – Vol. 312. – P. 434-48. https://doi.org/1016/s0042-6822(03)00239-3
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